Monday, December 25, 2006


The New Fedora Core distro is out viz.Fedora Core 6.Like it the earlier versions it still sucks as far as features are concerned,especially media players.
Fortunately it comes with a very handy tool for installing RPMs from an online repositories.Its called
'yum' (Yellow Dog Updater,Modified).Using 'yum', installing RPMs is a breeze.

Here's something to get you started with 'yum' :
1.Before you can install from online repositories ,add support for them on your system .Do the following in your terminal ,in the super user mode of course ,

# rpm -ihv
32 bit version:
# rpm -ihv
64 bit version:
# rpm -ihv
You can browse the packages available there at and

2.Now you can use yum in the following manner to install new packages ,
#yum install package_name1[package_name2][package_name3].....[package_nameN]

You can use the '-y' if you dont wanna answer y/n questions

3.You can also use yum to update existing packages,

#yum update package_name1[package_name2][package_name3]...[package_nameN]
If no package name is specified yum will update all installed packages

4.Similarly the command to remove packages is
#yum remove package_name1[package_name2][package_name3]....[package_nameN]
"erase" can also be used instead of "remove".
Apart from this are a lot of options for searching packages ,group install etc.Go check out the man page.

One of the bugs that I had with the yum version that ships with FC6 occurs when an instance of yum terminates improperly, giving the following error everytime "yum" is run,
Existing lock /var/run/ another copy is running. Aborting.

To avoid this please update to the latest version of yum before using it..i.e
#yum update yum

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